Author: philipnamasaka

Staying Fit and Festive.

Just like Father Christmas chuckles “Ho! Ho! Ho!” guilt-free after snacking on cookies, you too can enjoy your holiday treats without remorse. The key is balance—go ahead and savor that slice of cake or extra helping of chapati, but pair it with lighter, nutrient-rich meals throughout the day

Get Moving: Find Your Aerobic Groove.

Let’s talk aerobics—no, I’m not saying you need to go all out and look like you’ve run a marathon on your first day. No one’s suggesting you collapse in a sweaty, breathless heap. But I am saying this: you’ve got to step it up eventually. Don’t worry, though—you don’t need to go from couch potato […]

Journey to Fitness: Stories of Progress, Challenges, and Triumphs.

I thought spinning might be it. So here I go. I am at the gym. I have signed up for a year at shocking cost, and I have gotten the spin class schedule. It’s six-thirty in the morning, and I am feeling very, very shy. Because I am very old, I am forty pounds overweight and I do not look becoming in my biking costume. The instructor, an alarmingly pretty woman with a slight accent, sees me looking helpless; she comes over to my bike and shows me what to do

The art of aging gracefully.

Participation in exercise ensures a good immune system, a healthy heart and a high sex drive. But the benefits don’t stop there; exercise is the unsung hero behind the scenes, boosting mood, alleviating stress, and sharpening mental acuity. It’s the secret sauce that keeps us feeling vibrant and alive, allowing us to seize each day with gusto and tackle life’s challenges head-on