Tag: healthy living

Staying Fit and Festive.

The holidays are like a well-decorated obstacle course for fitness enthusiasts: packed schedules, endless feasts, and a side of guilt. But here’s the good news—you don’t have to trade in your gains for gravy! With a little planning, a touch of discipline, and some holiday cheer, you can enjoy the season to its fullest while staying fit and fabulous.

Movement: moving more for our mental health.

In the house of movement, every room has a vital part of keeping our body in tip-top shape! Let’s take a tour of these key rooms, shall we? First up, we’ve got the cardiorespiratory room, aka the “Heart of the Matter.” This is where your heart, lungs, and blood vessels hang out, keeping things pumping and flowing smoothly.

Healthy Living.

Diet is one area of our lives where we have almost total control, yet giving up the foods we love feels like trying to break up with a clingy ex – it’s tough and emotionally draining. Take me, for instance. I can’t imagine a day without ‘ugali’ on my dinner table. Blame it on my […]