Tag: well-being

Journey to Fitness: Stories of Progress, Challenges, and Triumphs.

I thought spinning might be it. So here I go. I am at the gym. I have signed up for a year at shocking cost, and I have gotten the spin class schedule. It’s six-thirty in the morning, and I am feeling very, very shy. Because I am very old, I am forty pounds overweight and I do not look becoming in my biking costume. The instructor, an alarmingly pretty woman with a slight accent, sees me looking helpless; she comes over to my bike and shows me what to do

be the compass


The primary desire we have as health and fitness professionals is that our clients make steady forward progress towards their intended goal. It could be weight loss, improved energy levels, better sleep quality, or enhance overall well-being.  We are therefore considered mentors and role models to our students. Aside from being knowledgeable about exercise prescription, […]


Dancing has become such a popular way to be active and keep fit. Most fitness clubs now offer dance classes in their group exercise programs. Health experts and fitness specialists also approve of dance-based exercise routines and unanimously agree that dance has evolved into a form of exercise for weight loss and physical fitness. Indeed […]