Category: goal-setting

Staying Fit and Festive.

The holidays are like a well-decorated obstacle course for fitness enthusiasts: packed schedules, endless feasts, and a side of guilt. But here’s the good news—you don’t have to trade in your gains for gravy! With a little planning, a touch of discipline, and some holiday cheer, you can enjoy the season to its fullest while staying fit and fabulous.

Get Moving: Find Your Aerobic Groove.

Cardio or aerobic options are endless and, believe it or not, enjoyable. What you pick is totally up to you—just make sure you like it or, at the very least, can tolerate it. If you’ve got favorites, go for them. If not, we have got you covered.

Building Community and Fitness Together.

Join us, and you’re not just signing up for a workout – you’re becoming part of a tribe. Together, we’ve sweated through spin classes, supported local charities, and even conquered mountains (figuratively and literally). So, lace up those sneakers, because at Feel Fitness, we’re not just shaping bodies, we’re shaping futures – one rep, one laugh, and one summit at a time.

Exercise Program Design.

For any real physical improvement to happen, your body needs a little stress—yes, the good kind (not the kind that comes from Nairobi traffic!). When you challenge your body, it adapts, so next time, that same challenge feels easier. That’s how fitness works—outsmarting your own muscles, one workout at a time

Would You Trust a Quack Doctor? Then Why Settle for an Unqualified Trainer?

Let me ask you—would you walk into a quack doctor’s office for treatment? Of course not! So why would you trust your body (the only one you’ve got, by the way) to someone whose only qualification is having six-pack abs and a good Instagram filter? Just because someone looks fit doesn’t mean they can train others effectively. That’s like assuming a great dancer can automatically teach choreography—sure, they move well, but can they help you move well without breaking your spine or leg?

Go the distance.

Rise and grind, or snooze and lose—the eternal struggle between morning warriors and night owls. Whether you’re throwing punches at dawn or doing a moonlight dance with dumbbells, the important thing is to break a sweat, not your spirit! A workout at any time is better than none. In the quest for a healthier you, […]

The Golden Rules of Fitness: Stay Safe, Stay Strong

Spend 5–10 minutes (depending on the intensity of your workout) on gentle, rhythmic movements that mimic the exercise you’re about to do but at a lower intensity. This gets your joints, muscles, tendons, and yes, even your brain, ready for action. Warming up gradually increases your heart rate and boosts blood flow to your working muscles