Category: Healthy living

The Powerful Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health

Discover the powerful connection between exercise and mental health. Learn how simple actions like walking or dancing can reduce stress and improve mood. Find out why endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine play a role in boosting mental well-being. Don’t wait, start exercising today!

Sweat it Out Together: The Advantages of Working Out Together

Are you frustrated by your lack of commitment to an exercise program? Are you ashamed of yourself, for dropping your gym membership? You might be the only one who is going through the frustration. When it comes to physical activity, there is a likelihood of sticking with your program if it is fun and varied. […]

Healthy Living.

Diet is one area of our lives where we have almost total control, yet giving up the foods we love feels like trying to break up with a clingy ex – it’s tough and emotionally draining. Take me, for instance. I can’t imagine a day without ‘ugali’ on my dinner table. Blame it on my […]

“Minimize Diet Damage: Tips for a Healthy Weekend”

As humans, we all love to get rewarded. We all deserve it, especially after a long week of traffic, work, family, or any other responsibilities like school. Unfortunately for many of us, “something special” usually comes in the form of food.