What I wish I knew earlier in my fitness career.

“Embarking on the fitness journey is like starting a quest, and as we navigate the twists and turns, we often stumble upon gems of wisdom we wish we’d discovered sooner. Join me on a trip down memory lane as we unravel the secrets of hindsight in the world of fitness. Get ready to uncover ‘What I Wish I Knew Earlier in My Fitness Career’—because sometimes the best gains come from the lessons learned, not just the weights lifted!”

Importance of time management.

Don’t just be busy, be productive.

We all need balance in our lives: enough work, enough rest, enough alone time, enough family time, and, of course, enough exercise or playtime. As a personal trainer, I only get paid for the hours I work. There are, of course, so many hours each of us can work in a day.  Over time, I had to figure out how to better leverage my time, mainly because I wanted to help more people and make more money. As a trainer, never get late for your session, but also don’t just be busy. Be productive, and take some time off regularly to avoid burning out.

Business and marketing skills are critical.

a) Build a brand and market yourself.

  • Personal trainers presume that all they need to master is exercise programming.
  • Learn to market your services around you and in your community.
  • To attract clients, you have to stand out from the crowd. The way you look, speak, and act is all part of your personal brand. What do you represent? We are role models; be a good one too.

b) Look at your work from a business angle.

Prior to working in fitness as a personal trainer and finally owning a studio. I tried my hand in other ventures. I sold second-hand clothes, ran a food kiosk, and ran a butchery business within the busy city of Nairobi. Thanks to my mother for planting the entrepreneurial seed early in my life. Business acumen is not something many personal trainers enjoy or understand, but it is important to have the skills. There is no harm in investing in a short course on the same. The best investment you can make is in yourself.

Coach Philip.

Market your services around you and in your community. Always remember: When you combine a clear purpose with your passion, you create your powerful WHY. Your money will follow your “why,” not the other way around.

Investing in education is necessary.

Evolve your approach and invest in education. I am proud of the knowledge I gained in pursuit of my 4-year sports and exercise science degree. I also have an ACE certification, but that doesn’t mean I’m done studying. The more knowledge a trainer has about anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, the more precise he or she can be when designing a program, instructing, and cueing.

Learn to admit what you don’t know, and you will be able to embrace the process of growth. Resistance to learning from others significantly hinders your growth as well. Regularly integrate conferences, workshops, mentors, books, and Google into your continuing education. Take advantage, adapt, and change. Success doesn’t come from staying the same.

Surround yourself with mentors who have the experience and knowledge that you can benefit from. We all have a chance of helping our clients become experts in their own progress towards healthier lifestyles, and we need guidance. Even the world’s best athletes have coaches.

Philip Namasaka.

You can’t do it alone.

  • Share and learn from others.

In any career, without the ability to reach out to others in a similar situation, it is hard to grow. Instead of hoarding my knowledge and experience, I decided to share it with others in my craft. Ultimately, together, we have managed to create a network of professionals from across the country and form the Fitness Professionals Association Of Kenya. Learning to collaborate with doctors, nutritionists, and physiotherapists is such an added advantage for any fitness professional.

Surround yourself with others who have more knowledge and experience you can learn from.

Surround yourself with mentors who have the experience and knowledge that you can benefit from. We all have a chance of helping our clients become experts in their own progress towards healthier lifestyles, and we need guidance. Even the world’s best athletes have coaches.

Your mind provides the “what, but your heart provides the “why.

Passion is your greatest driving force. It will give you the momentum to keep going. Purpose gives you the courage to do what you need to do to be successful. When you combine a clear purpose with your passion, you create your powerful WHY. Your money will follow your “why,” not the other way around. As fitness trainers, we ought to encourage the community to take responsibility for their health. COVID-19 has taught us that aside from exercise being a big boost to our immunity, it also lifts our moods, reduces stress, promotes daytime alertness, and enhances better sleep. I have always been inspired to help others live happier, healthier, and more active lives. Why are you a fitness professional?