The primary desire we have as health and fitness professionals is that our clients make steady forward progress towards their intended goal. It could be weight loss, improved energy levels, better sleep quality, or enhance overall well-being. We are therefore considered mentors and role models to our students. Aside from being knowledgeable about exercise prescription, diet, nutrition, fitness pieces of equipment, fitness trends, and lifestyle behavior change we impact greatly on our clients’ health and well-being. We therefore should take care of ourselves as much as we want our clients to take care of themselves.
Just because you train people every day doesn’t mean you get to neglect your own fitness. Making self-care a priority might just be the most important thing you do for both your heart health and your overall quality of life. No matter how busy or how successful your business is at any time, always schedule some time for exercise. Walking, cycling, swimming, hiking, and outdoor options are usually more fun because we spend so many hours within our facilities and work-spaces. Don’t be the trainer who needs a trainer.
Long days, early mornings, and late nights describes the lives of fitness professionals across the globe. Make an effort to get adequate sleep each night to help you stay as healthy and energetic as possible. Just as we insist on our clients, a good night’s sleep is the bedrock to wellness and well being. Think of recovery as a pyramid where the base is sleep and rest. Take breaks and treat yourself to a holiday, massage, dinner, or buy a gift.
Make time working on your business for it to grow. Spare time for creating social media, film videos, or anything else you think might benefit your clients. Many fitness trainers are uncomfortable with the business side of the industry but it has to be part of our plan.
One bright spot for health and exercise professionals during this Covid-19 pandemic is that physical activity is finally being recognized by the general public as a means of achieving and maintaining optimal health.
The more energy you give to caring for yourself, the more energy you have for everything else. Our ability to communicate, connect, and inspire determines our success in most cases. It is more of giving than taking and you can’t give what you don’t have.
For our bodies to function well they need fuel. However, the fuel that you put into your body makes all the difference in how your body will feel and perform. Use your weekend to plan and prep your meals. Poor diets, coupled with physically working long hours can easily result in fatigue or burnout. Whether your job takes you across town or not, you must eat healthily.
Just as a compass is invaluable in the wilderness because it gives accurate direction, our clients look up to us for direction on matters of fitness and wellness. We have the opportunity, perhaps now more than ever to shape the lives of our clients, and hence we have to lead from the front. Learn to show up for yourself and you will simultaneously learn the importance of showing up for others. Be the compass.