Year: 2020

Lifting Lives, Not Just Weights: How Fitness Pros Inspire Healthier Communities

Why are you a fitness professional? Is it the love of helping people finally conquer a pull-up? The joy of seeing someone trade their couch-potato ways for a more active lifestyle? Or maybe you just like yelling “one more rep!” while secretly knowing it’s actually three? Whatever your reason, make sure it’s fueled by passion and anchored in purpose.


Obstacles happen. Whether it’s self-inflicted (hello, hangover) or beyond your control (bad weather, illness, unexpected travel), flexibility is your superpower. If you miss your workout, improvise. Can’t run? Do yoga. Can’t hit the gym? Try a bodyweight session at home. Treat interruptions as invitations to stop and smell the roses—then get back on track.

Common Exercise Myths.

Ah, spot reduction—the myth that refuses to die. The idea that you can torch fat from one specific area of your body by just working that muscle is as fictional as unicorns or calorie-free donuts. Here’s the reality: our bodies are not that picky. When we lose fat, we lose it evenly across our bodies—not just in the areas we wish would shrink.

Exercise Program Design.

For any real physical improvement to happen, your body needs a little stress—yes, the good kind (not the kind that comes from Nairobi traffic!). When you challenge your body, it adapts, so next time, that same challenge feels easier. That’s how fitness works—outsmarting your own muscles, one workout at a time


Running doesn’t come with gym fees, fancy gadgets, or a dress code. Just a good pair of shoes, a bit of grit, and maybe a playlist to keep you company. So, whether you’re chasing endurance, strength, or just your neighbor’s cat, running’s got you covered!

The Right Dress Code for Exercise.

When it comes to workout shoes, how they feel matters far more than how they look. For runners, the right shoe depends on factors like weight, foot shape, and running style. It should fit snugly, have a flexible sole at the ball of the foot, and provide a good balance of shock absorption and support. If you’re hitting the gym, opt for shoes with a low, wide base to ensure stability during both forward and lateral movements

Would You Trust a Quack Doctor? Then Why Settle for an Unqualified Trainer?

Let me ask you—would you walk into a quack doctor’s office for treatment? Of course not! So why would you trust your body (the only one you’ve got, by the way) to someone whose only qualification is having six-pack abs and a good Instagram filter? Just because someone looks fit doesn’t mean they can train others effectively. That’s like assuming a great dancer can automatically teach choreography—sure, they move well, but can they help you move well without breaking your spine or leg?

Staying Motivated to Exercise.

The road to a healthier lifestyle isn’t always smooth—it’s filled with old habits, busy schedules, and that voice in your head saying, “Just one more episode!” But balance is key. At Feel Fitness Center, we’re not just about workouts; we’re about helping you build a sustainable, enjoyable lifestyle.

Go the distance.

Rise and grind, or snooze and lose—the eternal struggle between morning warriors and night owls. Whether you’re throwing punches at dawn or doing a moonlight dance with dumbbells, the important thing is to break a sweat, not your spirit! A workout at any time is better than none. In the quest for a healthier you, […]


Though we can’t lace up your sneakers and do the push-ups for you, at Feel Fitness Center we will walk the fitness journey with you all the way. “Will exercise really help me lose weight?”.” Which brands of home equipment are most reliable?”. “Which weight training exercises are best for beginners?”. “What are the best […]